Letter from the Brazilian Anthropological Association in face of violence againts Indigenous Peoples in Pará, Brazil


Between August 4 and 7, 2023, there were violent attacks on the lives of four indigenous Tembé people as a consequence of the struggle to take back territories from the hands of the company Brasil BioFuels (BBF) in Tomé-Açu, northeast Pará.

On August 9, 2023, the Brazilian Anthropological Association (ABA) sent a formal letter to the authorities requesting the immediate resumption of the regularization process of indigenous and quilombola territories, as well as an investigation into the mechanisms of criminalization of their leaders and the suspension of all incentives to companies involved in the violence, among other measures.

Access here the document in Portuguese (The first version of this text, written by the Quilombos Committee of the Brazilian Anthropological Association, provided the justification for the “Request for investigation and urgent steps in the face of the escalation of extreme violence against Tembé and Turiwara indigenous people and quilombolas by oil palm companies Brasil Bio Fuels Reflorestamento Indústria e Comércio S/A (BBF) and Agropalma S.A. in a situation of agrarian conflict in the Alto Acará region – Pará”, sent by this Association (ABA – Brazilian Anthropological Association) to indigenous rights government institutions and the Federal Public Prosecution Service).