
Other information 30 May 2012
Several months ago (see WRM Bulletin 172) we reported on the plans of Suzano Papel e Celulose S. A. – the world’s second largest pulp producer – to invest in biomass plantations. Biomass energy is one of the market-driven false “solutions” to climate change. It promotes land grabbing and diverts attention from the need to effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions at the source.
Other information 30 May 2012
Veracel is expanding its operations in Brazil, with the consent of the government. The decision of the Institute of the Environment and Water Resources (INEMA) to grant preauthorization for the expansion of Veracel Celulose S.A. – a joint venture between Stora Enso and Aracruz – runs counter to a 2008 Federal Court ruling that revoked the environmental licence granted to the company in 1993.
Bulletin articles 30 May 2012
Nothing likes eucalyptus. If you let cattle loose among the eucalyptus, they start grazing around the outside, which is supposed to be a reserve. The cattle don't like it, neither do the birds, or the wasps. The hardest thing about a place like that is the wasps, but not even the wasps like to be where the eucalyptus is. (Video interview with Manuelzão, a character from the novel "Corpo de Bailes" by João Guimarães Rosa)
Bulletin articles 30 April 2012
Throughout history, rural areas have been occupied two different ways in Brazil. One of them is the colonial, capitalist and entrepreneurial way, which is nothing new, but has recently gained new momentum and adopted new methods. The other way of occupying rural land, which dates back to before the capitalist production model, is that of peasant agriculture, based on the way of life of indigenous peoples and traditional communities
Bulletin articles 29 January 2012
The year 2011 was declared the International Year of Forests by the United Nations. Major international events such as the climate conference in South Africa and the upcoming Rio+20 summit in Brazil and biodiversity conference in India have also contributed to making forests a key issue on the global agenda, as well as the subject of high-profile public relations campaigns.
Other information 30 December 2011
Governor Jacques Wagner and Environment Secretary Eugênio Spengler are preparing to give the people of the extreme south, south and southwest regions of the state of Bahia a SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT on December 21. The news has been leaked that regardless of the shortcomings of the corresponding EIA/RIMA (Environmental Impact Study/Environmental Impact Report), authorization will be granted for the expansion planned by Veracel Celulose. Although the EIA/RIMA contains numerous errors, this will pose no impediment.
Bulletin articles 30 November 2011
A new expansion cycle: carbon and biomass plantations
Bulletin articles 30 November 2011
The state of Acre, in the Brazilian Amazon region, earned worldwide attention in the late 1980s through the struggle for social and environmental justice waged by the late Chico Mendes. In more recent years, the state has once again gained prominence in Brazil and internationally, but for very different reasons. This time the spotlight on the state is a result of the propaganda around the “green” development model promoted through “forest governance” and based on the so-called “sustainable management” of the forests and the sale of environmental services.
Bulletin articles 30 October 2011
I come from a family that considers seeds as something sacred. Back in my father's day, our neighbours could sleep peacefully, because they knew that my father had a safe supply of seeds to plant. (Family farmer, Paraíba)
Bulletin articles 30 October 2011
On October 27, hundreds of indigenous men and women, fisherfolk and riverine community members occupied the construction site of one of the biggest hydroelectric dam projects in the world, the Belo Monte dam in the state of Pará, Brazil, which will have devastating impacts on the lives of the local population.
Other information 7 October 2011
Only available in Portuguese - Depoimento (audiovisual) de José Luiz Kassupá sobre os impactos do mecanismo REDD na vida dos Povos Indígenas, durante a oficina "Serviços ambientais, fundos verdes e REDD: Salvação da Amazônia ou Armadilha do Capitalismo Verde", 3-7 de outubro em Rio Branco (AC), Brasil. José Luiz é primeiro secretário do movimento indígena no estado de Rondônia.  
Other information 7 October 2011
Only available in Portuguese Depoimento de Sandra Lineia de Caritas Manaus (AM), sobre a relação entre o mecanismo REDD e a migração de populações tradicionais e rurais para as Cidades, durante oficina "Serviços Ambientais, REDD e Fundos Verdes do BNDES: Salvação da Amazonia ou Armadilha do Capitalismo Verde?", em Rio Branco, estado de Acre, entre 3 e 7 de Outubro de 2011