
Bulletin articles 2 December 1997
Corporacion Mapuche, based in Temuco, Chile, invites you to visit their web page, the first one produced in Mapuche territory. It contains articles, photographs and general information on this indigenous nation. Our Mapuche friends invite you to send your comments and suggestions,
Bulletin articles 5 September 1997
During the recent visit of Ecuatorian President Alarcon to Santiago de Chile, the police violently repressed a peaceful demonstration against a mining project of the Chilean firm CODELCO together with Mitsubishi at Imbabura province in the Ecuatorian Amazon. As a consequence Ivonne Ramos (Accion Ecologica/Friends of the Earth,Ecuador) Lucio Cuenca (Observatorio de Conflictos Ambientales, Chile) and Luis Mariano Rendon (IEP and RENACE, Chile) were arrested.
Bulletin articles 7 May 1997
A large Mapuche and Pehuenche march took place in Santiago on May 14th against the actions of the Chilean government in order to deny indigenous rights guaranteed by the Chilean law. The present protest was preceeded by the occupation of the headquaters of CONADI (Commission of Indigenous Development) last April and the cancellation by President Frei of the II Conference of the Indigenous Peoples Fund to be held in Santiago on May 14-15th.