(Last update: January 14th, 2025)
Sign in solidarity with Vincent Djiropo, a community leader of the Winnin peoples who was detained in San Pedro, Bas-Sassandra region, Ivory Coast, on December 14th 2024, for defending the forests where his community lives.
Since this letter was released for sign-ons, on December 15th, 2024, Vincent has been taken to jail and 19 more people involved in the struggle have been detained.
We urgently call on the Ivorian authorities to ensure the immediate release of Mr. Vincent Djiropo, Mr. Dominique Mensah and the 18 youths arrested after demanding the release of Vincent Djiropo.
(Read the full letter and the list signatories so far)

December 15, 2024
Mr. Ousmane Coulibaly
Regional Prefect,
Prefect of the Department of San Pedro.
Dear Prefect Coulibaly,
We are writing to you to express our concern about the detention of Mr. Vincent Djiropo. Mr. Djiropo is a highly respected community leader committed against the privatization of the Monogaga forest and in defense of the ancestral lands of his people. We hear that he has been detained since Saturday, December 14 by the police in San Pedro.
We have been informed that Mr. Djiropo's detention is due to the fact that he opposed the privatization of the Monogaga forest where the Roots Wild Foundation was granted a concession by the Ministry of Water and Forests. This forest is vital to the local communities who have lived and depended on it for more than six centuries. These communities are resisting land grabbing, which threatens their livelihoods, their culture and the forest of their ancestors.
Reports indicate that Mr. Djiropo had previously received numerous threats and intimidation because of his commitment to his people. His detention highlights serious concerns about the criminalization of land defenders in the region.
We call on you and all Ivorian authorities to immediately release Mr. Vincent Djiropo and to guarantee the security and rights of all individuals who defend their ancestral lands. His detention represents a serious violation of human rights and the right to freedom of expression.
We remain working in solidarity with communities and organizations across the region who are defending their lands, and we will continue to monitor the situation of Mr. Vincent Djiropo closely. We call on the authorities to take immediate measures to repair this injustice and to release Mr. Vincent Djiropo.
Looking forward for your response,
Signatures until January 14th, 2025:
- Rettet den Regenwald, Allemagne
- Forum Ökologie & Papier, Allemagne
- Collective Abundance, Allemagne
- Vukani Environmental Justice Movement in Action, Afrique du Sud
- Mycélium, Belgique
- Ecobenin, Bénin
- Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement (JVE), Bénin
- Oilwatch Latinoamerica, Brésil
- Amigas da Terra Brasil, Brésil
- FASE Espírito Santo, Brésil
- O Nosso Vale! A Nossa Vida, Brésil
- Jumu'eha renda Keruhu - Centro de Formação Saberes Ka'apor, Brésil
- Bulgarian Fund for Women, Bulgarie
- ATTAC CADTM Burkina, Burkina Faso
- Nature Cameroun
- Synaparcam, Cameroun
- RADD, Cameroun
- Struggle to Economize Future Environment (SEFE), Mundemba, Cameroun
- IFI Minitoring Group, Cameroun
- Hope and Health for African Community and Environment, Cameroun
- Asociación Minga, Colombia
- Censat Agua Viva, Colombia
- Guardianes de la Andino-Amazonia, Colombia
- Observatorio Ambiental Ciudadano, Colombia
- Colectivo Hilos de Vida, Colombia
- Extinction Rebellion Medellín, Colombia
- CNOP, Congo
- Construisons Ensemble le Monde, Congo
- Énergie Solaire du Congo, Congo
- Likabo Group International, Congo
- COECOCEIBA - Amigos de la Tierra Costa Rica
- Frente Nacional de Pueblos Indígenas Costa Rica
- Movimiento Rios Vivos, Costa Rica
- Amnesty International Cote d’Ivoire
- CPPH, Cote d’Ivoire
- REFEB, Cote d’Ivoire
- Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement (JVE), Côte d'Ivoire
- Collectif ADIAKE, Cote d’Ivoire
- Mission des Consciences Citoyennes (Micoci), Cote d’Ivoire
- Mouvement Code 91, Cote d’Ivoire
- NoVox, Côte d'Ivoire
- Ong Actes-De-Vie, Côte d'Ivoire
- ONG Wonsminka Logoualé, Cote d’Ivoire
- REFEB, Côte d'Ivoire
- Réseau Africain des Jeunes sur les Zones Humides (RAJEZOH), Côte d'Ivoire
- Acción Ecológica, Équateur
- CESTA - Friends of the Earth (FoE), El Salvador
- Latinoamericanos en Almería, Espagne
- Proyecto Gran Simio (GAP/PGS-España), Espagne
- Amics Arbres Ona Mediterrània, Espagne
- Unión Universal Desarrollo Solidario, Espagne
- Regard sur la pêche et Aquaculture, France
- Youth Volunteer for Environmental (YVE), Ghana
- Association Gulusenu du village Doubou, Gabon
- Association les Rassembleurs du Village Mboukou, Gabon
- Collectif des Ressortissants et Écologistes des Plateaux Bateke, Gabon
- Coopérative pikile Mossi de Bemboudie, Gabon
- Herbier Nationale, Gabon
- JVE Gabon
- Membres de la communauté du Gabon
- Musiru Divag de Fougamou Gabon
- Muyissi Environnement, Gabon
- Federasi Serikat Buruh Karya Utama, Indonésie
- Forum Buruh Lintas Perkebunan Kalimantan Tengah, Indonésie
- Konfederasi Serikat Nasional, Indonésie
- Link-AR Borneo, Indonésie
- Partai Rakyat Pekerja, Indonésie
- Transnational Palm Oil Labour Solidarity Network (TPOLS), Indonésie
- School of Democratic Economics, Indonésie
- Yayasan Pusaka Bentala Rakyat, Indonésie
- Endorois Welfare Council, Kenya
- Institute of sustainable Agriculture, Grand Bassa county, Jogba clan, Libéria
- Joegba United Women Empowerment and Development Organization (JUWEDO), Libéria
- Research and Support Center for Development Alternati es - Indian Ocean (RSCDA – IO), Madagascar
- Red de Acción sobre Plaguicidas y Alternativas en México (RAPAM), Mexique
- Consejo general de la zona sur y de los humedales, Mexique
- Ecovinculo, Mexique
- Colectivo de Investigación para la Acción Comunitaria AC, Mexique
- Instituto Mexicano para el Desarrollo Comunitario, Mexique
- Otros Mundos Chiapas/Amigos de la Tierra México, Mexique
- Sindicato Único de Trabajadores del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México, Mexique
- Post Growth Institute, Mexique
- Missão Tabita, Mozambique
- Justiça Ambiental JA!, Mozambique
- Kandili, Nigeria
- Look Green, Care Foundation, Nigeria
- RECOWA, Nigeria
- Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Nigeria
- Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF), Nigeria
- No REDD in Africa Network, Nigeria
- Palm Oil Detectives, Nouvelle-Zélande
- GEFREE New Zealand, Nouvelle-Zélande
- Alliance Uganda Chapter, Ouganda
- Witness Radio, Ouganda
- Komolo Agro Farmers Association Kiryandongo, Ouganda
- Ndagize julius, East African, Ouganda
- Nothern Uganda Media Club, Ouganda
- Centro de Desarrollo Ambiental y Humano, Panamá
- LINAJE, Paraguay
- Water Justice and Gender, Pays-Bas
- Milieudefensie, Pays-Bas
- Confédération Paysanne du Congo - Principal Regroupement Paysan (COPACO-PRP), République démocratique du Congo
- Solidarité pour les Peuples Autochtones du Bassin du Congo (SPABC), République démocratique du Congo
- Protection des écorégions de miombo au Congo (PremiCongo), République démocratique du Congo
- Alliance Nationale d'appui et de promotion des Aires Protégées par les Peuples Autochtones et communes locales ANAPAC-RDC, République démocratique du Congo
- Red Dominicana de Estudios y Empoderamiento Afrodescendiente, République dominicaine
- EDGE Funders Alliance, Royaume-Uni
- Conscience Environnementale, Sénégal
- Advocacy for Human Rights and Justice-Sierra Leone (ADHRJUST-SL), Sierra Leone
- Community Action for Human Rights and Development, Sierra Leone
- Women’s Network Against Rural Plantations Injustice (WoNARPI), Sierra Leone
- Maloa, Sierra Leone
- MVIWATA, Tanzania
- Sustainable Holistic Development Foundation (SUHODE), Tanzania
- Heks/Eper, Suisse
- EPER (Entraide Protestante Suisse), Suisse
- Ecopaper, Suisse
- Pro Natura / Friends of the Earth Switzerland, Suisse
- Sustainable Holistic Development Foundation (SUHODE), Tanzania
- ATTAC Togo, Togo
- Vocesdamerica Audiovisual, Uruguay
- Global Justice Ecology Project, USA
- Local Futures, USA
- North American Climate, Conservation and Environment (NACCE), USA
- American Jewish World Service (AJWS), USA
- Regenerosity, USA
- Frente Nacional Ecosocialista por la Vida, Venezuela
- GRAIN, International
- Mouvement Mondial pour les Forêts Tropicales (WRM), International
- ETC Group, International
- Djotan Yéwouèda, Bénin
- Zinsou Aya, Bénin
- Zoundjihékpon G. Jeanne, Bénin
- Suy Kahofi, Côte d'Ivoire
- Lethicia Gnada, Côte d'Ivoire
- Totouom Bertin, Medicin, Gabon
- Yassine Bernadin Ngoumba, Congo Brazzaville
- Chrispine Mumba, Zambia
- Mara Coppens, Belgique
- Aka Jean Paul, Côte d'Ivoire
- Comen Jules, Gabon
- Pascale Ako, Gabon
- Tchikaya Hans Teddy, Gabon
- Célio Leocadio, Brésil
- Oliver Pye, Allemagne
- Moutsinga Melisa, Gabon
- Pincemin Judith, France
- Riss Jean-Jacques, France
- Piotr kozak, Royaume-Uni
- Debely Lise, France
- Nasako Besingi, Cameroun
- Abraham E. van Wyk, Afrique du Sud
- Ousseynou Bâ, Sénégal
- Roche Catherine, France
- John Orbell, Royaume-Uni
- Girard Odile, France
- Patricia Acosta, Uruguay
- Robert Petitpas, Chile
- Alexander Maga, Allemagne
- Dr. Egla Martínez, Canada
- Maren Torheim, Uruguay
- Hugh Lee, Ireland
- Miriam Knödler, Sweden
- Clémentine Bonvarlet, France
- Louise Taylor. Canada
- James Gray, USA
- Bonga Ndabezitha, Afrique du Sud
- Bernard David, France
- Shlok Pathak, India
- Kathleen McCroskey, Canada
- Béguin Claude, Suisse
- Alexander Arbachakov, Russie
- Stephen A. Ruvuga, Tanzania
- Oubrayrie Fabienne, France
- Couché Valérie, France
- Campos Natacha, France
- Marcelo Marques Miranda, Portugal
- Kenneth Ruby, USA
- Legrand Eric, France
- Tom van Hettema, Netherlands
- Ramón Soriano, Espagne
- Michael F. Schmidlehner, Brésil
- Desmichelle Claire, France
- Mucio Tosta Gonçalves, Brésil
- Nemesio J. Rodríguez, Mexique
- Laura Pallares, Uruguay
- Josefina Besomi, Chili
- Vanessa Cabanelas, Mozambique
- Amillard Jean-Michel, France
- Geoffroy Grangier, France
- Alfredo Pereira, Brésil
- Jesus Antonio Espinosa, Colombia
- Vincenzo Lauriola, Italie
- Dr. Peter Clausing, Allemagne
- Fredrik Larsson, Suède
- Brillet Matthieu, France
- Ethel del Rosario Juárez, Mexique
- Danilo Quijano Silva, Pérou
- Danilo de Assis Clímaco, Brésil
- Dr Andrea Brock, Royaume-Uni
- Rafael Vera, Argentina
- Karen Rothschild, Canada
- Myriam Olivia, France
- Dr. Engel, Thomas, Allemagne
- Luisa Fernanda Chavez Paz, Colombia
- Alberto Franco Giraldo, Colombia
- Luisa Memore, Italie
- Daniel Paz Barreto, Argentina
- Toh Cynthia, France
- Ana Romo, Colombia
- Julia Blag, France
- Rosemarie Otten-Poss, Allemagne
- Anoh Amond, Côte d’Ivoire
- Paola Germain, Argentina
- Paquin Pascal, France
- Nakande Alassane, Burkina Faso
- Naudel González Madera, Colombia
- Allan Grote, Royaume-Uni
- Martin Castro Dominguez, Mexique
- Talbot Genevieve, Canada
- Raysa França, Finlande
- Sean Currie, Royaume-Uni
- Peer Höcker, Allemagne
- Liz Probert, Royaume-Uni
- Milena Gomes, Brésil
- Will Davison, Danemark
- Miriam Mastria, Italie
- Janosch Sbeih, Allemagne
- Douwe De Vestele, Belgique