Eucalyptus Plantations for Energy: A Case Study of Suzano’s plantations for wood pellet exports in the Baixo Parnaíba region, Maranhão, Brazil

This is the first documented case of a land-grab in Brazil for biomass destined for power stations in the UK.  The authors of the Brazilian case study are Ivonete Gonçalves de Souza (CEPEDES) and Winfridus Overbeek (World Rainforest Movement).

Is part of the Biofuelwatch  report  Biomass: The Chain of Destruction. The report explores the global impacts of the UK’s biomass boom, looking at what the current the demand for biomass for electricity, supportive Government policy and resulting speculative investments mean in terms of forest destruction in the Americas and impacts on communities in the UK.

Available in English: Eucalyptus Plantations for Energy: A Case Study of Suzano’s plantations for wood pellet exports in the Baixo Parnaíba region, Maranhão, Brazil

Available in Portuguese:  Plantações de eucalipto para energia: O caso da Suzano no Baixo Parnaíba, Maranhão, Brasil