Palm Oil

The oil palm tree is native to West Africa. It is an important tree for forest-dependent communities, their cultures and their economies. However, large-scale oil palm monocultures for industrial production (oil and agrofuels) have been driving deforestation and land grabbing in Southeast Asia. More recently, oil palm monocultures are also driving destruction in Africa and Latin America.

Articles 8 April 2024
In a letter to Guatemalan national authorities, 115 organizations from 39 countries demanded a halt to the abuses and violence that palm oil company Industria Chiquibul has been committing in indigenous and peasant communities. The organizations also called for suspension of the RSPO certification process, which they denounce as greenwashing a destructive industry.
Articles 4 April 2024
An alliance of organizations have demanded that European governments pause the mediation process and provide the communities access to the land documents and legal support to defend their interests.
Articles 2 April 2024
Com o apoio de 60 organizações de diversos países do mundo, o Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores (MPA) do Brasil apresentou uma carta às autoridades do Estado do Pará solicitando que de forma urgente regularizem as terras de três comunidades camponesas ameaçadas de despejo.
Articles 24 February 2024
Between August 4 and 7 2023, there were attempts on the lives of four Tembés as a consequence of the fight to take territories back from the hands of BBF company. Given this situation, the Brazilian Anthropological Association (ABA) sent a formal letter to the authoritiesrequesting the resumption of the process of regularization of indigenous and quilombola territories, as well as the investigation of mechanisms of criminalization of leadership figures and the suspension of incentives to companies involved in violence.
Articles 24 February 2024
Em 8 de agosto de 2023, o Conselho Nacional de Direitos Humanos (CNDH) enviou recomendação às autoridades federais e estaduais sobre medidas de proteção, promoção e defesa dos povos indígenas, quilombolas, ribeirinhos, agricultores e agroextrativistas do estado do Pará.
Articles 11 August 2023
Your Excellencies Governor Helder Barbalho and President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, there is no climate justice without the protection of two forests, urban centers, water and land! (Only available in Portuguese).
Articles 16 April 2020
Civil society organizations have welcomed the finalization of a report of a Technical Committee about a legal dispute between the multinational company Socfin and communities affected by the company’s oil palm plantations in the Malen Chiefdom in Sierra Leone.