The World Bank and Other Financial Institutions

Action alerts 18 August 2020

That is the message from more than 80 organisations to the GCF Board on 17 August 2020. The organisations call on the Board to reject in particular two requests for so-called “Results-Based Payments” for deforestation supposedly reduced years ago.

Action alerts 13 August 2020

We invite organisations to sign until Monday, 17 August. The letter urges the GCF Board to reject in particular two requests for so-called “Results-Based Payments” from the goverments of Indonesia and Colombia.

Bulletin articles 15 July 2020

Communities have a long history of confronting the disasters imposed by corporations and elites. For them, the “emergency” was a reality well before the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet, profit-seekers are abusing the situation to advance land grabs and roll back legislation.

Bulletin articles 15 July 2020

Agro- and meat industries are winning the jackpot with the Covid-19 pandemic. While the pandemic profits stay at the top, devastation is what trickles down to the bottom. The consequences are deadly. A new wave of structural adjustment is on the way that will focus on increasing foreign agribusiness investment and exports of agricultural commodities.

Publications 6 July 2020

Company plans 75,000 hectare expansion of Industrial Tree Plantations in Seven Countries in the Global South: Sierra Leone, Ghana, Uganda, Ethiopia, Peru, Ecuador and Paraguay. Download the leafelt to know more about the company and why communities should be alert.

Bulletin articles 14 May 2020

The environmental, climatic and social crisis has been a reality for many for a long time. Yet, rather than acknowledging their contribution to this crisis, corporations and allies use the pandemic to amplify their push to expand Protected Areas, presenting it as a "global solution".

Bulletin articles 14 May 2020

When the Chure region was declared a Protected Area, the rights of thousands of Community Forest Groups were undermined. They keep resisting despite the overall violence and the accepted project from the Green Climate Fund.

Action alerts 18 March 2020

On 11 March 2020, the Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) approved a requests from the Arbaro Fund for USD 25 million to set up industrial tree plantations in seven countries in Africa and Latin America.

Action alerts 9 March 2020

133 organisations and 101 individuals from 56 countries have signed the letter to the GCF Board. Specifically, they call for the rejection of a funding request from the Arbaro Fund which the GCF Board will discuss at its 25th meeting from 10-12 March.

Action alerts 3 March 2020

Tell Green Climate Fund Board Members to say NO to funding requests that promote monoculture tree plantations and, in particular, the funding request of the Arbaro Fund for its so-called “Sustainable Forestry Fund”.

Bulletin articles 13 January 2020

Language is never neutral. Certain concepts have historically been used to dominate people and territories. This article highlights concepts that are usually presented in a positive light but that actually serve economic interests that harm forests and communities.