Certification Schemes

'Keep buying!' This is the message that certification schemes promote. Whenever an industrial or agricultural commodity falls into disrepute, a voluntary certification initiative will soon emerge. Certification schemes allow for the expansion of corporate control over community lands. They also have all failed to resolve conflicts between communities and the corporations that have taken over their territories. Their contribution to reducing ecological harm also remains elusive, especially where industrial monoculture plantations are given a “green” label.

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Other information 26 February 2024
Artikel ini menjelaskan bagaimana selama satu dekade, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) telah mensertifikasi dua konsesi penebangan kayu milik perusahaan Maderera Canales Tahuamanu (MCT) di wilayah Madre de Dios, yang mencakup wilayah masyarakat adat dalam 'isolasi', yang dikenal sebagai "Mashco-Piro".
Bulletin articles 9 March 2021
Masyarakat adat setempat mengalami kerugian dan tidak mendapatkan manfaat, kompensasi tidak adil dan menjadi korban kekerasan aparat. Selanjutnya, masyarakat adat setempat menolak dan protes atas ketidakadilan dan kerusakan hutan adat.