Bulletin articles

The Kruger National Park is to be enlarged by 5,000 hectares, while by the same agreement recently concluded, the Makuleke community regains its right to 25,000 hectares of Kruger Park lands. Settlement of the Makuleke land claim came just in time for the celebration of the centenary of Kruger National Park on March 25. In 1968 the Makuleke community was forced to leave their lands now falling within the borders of the Kruger National Park.
News of huge forest fires -as the ones that affected Indonesia and those that are spreading in Roraima in the Brazilian Amazon- are disseminated worldwide. Nevertheless, fires at a smaller scale have also terrible consequences for local communities. This is the case of the fire that has affected the forest of Aleibiri, a village of 6,000 inhabitants in the Niger Delta in Nigeria. The carelessness of the Shell contractor was the cause for this desaster.
A group of Dayaks recently toured Australia to promote solidarity with their struggle for land rights and compensation from Australian-based mining companies, which account for more than 60% of Australian investments in Indonesia.
The timber empires of Bob Hasan and others are crumbling amid the economic crisis in Indonesia. A third of the country’s timber companies are facing bankruptcy.
Kanchanaburi March 6, 1998: Sulak Sivaraksa and some 50 students and activists who have been camping in the forest were arrested and taken out of the Huay Kayeng forest about noon time. Kancahnaburi governor was present at the event to instruct some 20 officers to take away the activists. Even though Sulak was shown a letter requesting him to testify to the police on the charge filed by PTT (Petroleum Authority of Thailand) before the arrest, the other activists were taken away without being informed properly on what charge they were taken.
There is a complete report and other significant information from the Indigenous Perspectives in Forestry Education Workshop, hosted by British Columbia University in Vancouver, Canada, between 15 and 18 June 1997. The Workshop got together delegates of aboriginal associations, universities and industry from different countries, aware of the need to address the knowledge, issues and concerns of indigenous peoples (see WRM Bulletin nr. 3)
The state of Roraima, in northern Brazil is on fire. A disaster similar to the recent fires in Indonesia is taking place and government responsibility is also similar. As in Indonesia, the Brazilian Amazon is continuously being set on fire to open up the area to "development", through a process beginning with road-building. Such roads serve as vehicles to government-promoted colonization processes, which entail the destruction of forests through logging, conversion to agriculture and cattle raising, mining, hydropower development, etc.
MESSAGE FROM COICA Dear brothers and friends:
Responding to the immediate and increasing threat of oil exploration on their lands, the U'wa people have issued a statement demanding that both the Colombian government and Occidental Petroleum recognize their right to refuse or accept oil activity on their land as a precondition to any dialogue about oil development. The statement also demands an immediate withdrawal of the military presence in U'wa territory, which has increased dramatically over the last month.
APCOB (“Apoyo para el campesino indígena del oriente boliviano”: "Support to the Indigenous Peasant of Eastern Bolivia") is a Bolivian NGO that "during the last 18 years has been fighting for the conservation of natural resources and the improvement of socioeconomic status of indigenous peoples that inhabit the lowlands of the Eastern region of the country."
We have received the following comments on WWF's campaign from Paul Romeijn, Director of Treemail (E-mail: info@treemail.nl, Web: http://www.treemail.nl). We believe that this is an important contribution to the forest debate and that it is useful to share it with our readers. These are the comments:
We have received a message from "Global Response", expressing the willingness of this organization to collaborate with WRM in areas of common interest. What follows is part of its letter of presentation: “Would you like to offer your support to communities around the world that are struggling to prevent environmental destruction of many kinds? Would you like to give children and teenagers a chance to work collaboratively with people of different countries and cultures, to protect the Earth?