Action alerts

Press Release More than 80 organizations and individuals from all over the world sent today the letter enclosed below to relevant authorities in Brazil, Germany and California / USA rejecting “any and all attempts to intimidate or censor people and organizations that critique and oppose the environmental and climate policies implemented by the Acre government.”
July 21, 2017 Dear friends, We need your support to the motion enclosed below in solidarity with leaders  from communities and organizations from the State of Acre in Brazil who are being pressured and threatened due to their critics and oposition to the climate and environmental policies being implemented by the state government in Acre.
Forest rights movements in India need support to prevent the commercial takeover of forests from the forest communities for monoculture tree plantations. Please find below a petition. Urgent signatures of both organisations and individuals would be very welcome. Deadline for endorsing the letter is Friday 14! Send your endorsement to the following email: sanghamitradubeyikk(at)
After IUFRO: Campaign Denounces Violence of Timber Industry “Get the forestry corporations out of UdeC” & “Ciao IUFRO” Photo: Keith Brunner
We, forest dwellers, rubber tappers, Apurinã, Huni Kui, Jaminawa, Manchineri and Shawadawa indigenous people, members of supportive organizations and the Jesuit Travelling Team, teachers from different universities, united in the city of Xapuri in the Brazilian state of Acre from 26 to 28 May 2017, at the meeting "The effects of environmental / climatic policies on traditional populations", declare: - That, at this moment of resurgence, we are unifying the struggles of indigenous peoples and rubber tappers in the same cause. Our union is our main weapon against capital.
Dear Guadalupe, My name is Guilherme and I’m the coordinator of the Civil Society and Producer Organizations Team in FAO’s Unit of Partnerships (OPCP) under the Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development (OPC). FAO acknowledges receipt of the Open Letter regarding FAO’s definition on forests, and took note your critical remarks.
Press Release March 21, 2017   FAO definition must recognize that plantations are not forests!
Dear friends, March 21st, the International Day of Forests, is around the corner! As you may recall, on that day we will be sending a letter to the FAO demanding again that it changes its forest definition which allows an industrial tree monoculture to be considered a forest.
On September 30, a petition was delivered with 12,323 signatures from several national and international organisations, as well as from individuals, in solidarity with and support to the communities in Mozambique that struggle against the expansion of tree monoculture plantations. The petition has been submitted to the companies Green Resources in Norway and Portucel/The Navigator Company in Portugal, as well as to governmental institutions in Mozambique including the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security.