Action alerts

Dear Friends, Today, September 21st, marks the International Day of Struggle Against Tree Plantations. On this day, as part of the actions happening internationally, WRM along with the organizations Salva la Selva and TimberWatch are launching an Open Letter to the FAO.
This open letter, calling on the FAO to revise its forest definition, will be sent to the FAO next March 21 when the International day of Forests is commemorated. If your organization has not yet signed, we invite you to support the letter. Please send an email to and include your organization’s name and country. Signatures as of March 16, 2017
WRM together with the All India Forum of Forest Movements, and the Campaign for Survival and Dignity are mobilizing against the CAF Act (also known as the CAMPA Bill). This new Bill was recently approved by the Indian parliament. We apprehend it will result in gross violations of forest dwelling communities’ rights and in a massive expansion of industrial tree plantations.
updated on September 22 Last week we asked your support for communities in Mozambique who are facing rapid expansion of timber monoculture plantations in their territories. This message is to inform you that this Action Alert will continue open for sign-on´s until September 29. If you haven’t sent your endorsement yet, please do so!
The aviation sector is the world’s fastest growing greenhouse gas emittor and one of the most polluting sectors. Nevertheless, no real solutions to address this climate problem are put forward so far. Instead, the aviation industry is planning to greenwash their growth strategy.
Dear friends, we ask for your support. Our colleagues from the No2Bidco Campaign in Uganda and Kenya have contacted us to request support for their struggle against Bidco Africa. This multinational company -in a joint venture with Wilmar International- owns among others, the OPUL oil palm plantation and a palm oil refinery on the Lake Victoria island of Bugala, Uganda.
To all organizations, social and popular movements and to the civil society of the world:
On May 11th 2016, more than 300 organizations from around the world sent a letter to Dr. Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank, to respond to a statement he made during an event at the Union Theological Seminary in New York.
In this land of over 500 years of struggle, with the sound of free-flowing rivers, the strength of mountains, barrios and villages, the fury and tenderness of natural life, the spirit of the ancestors, the hopes and pain of men, women and children, the people of Berta gather in memory of her rebellious life.
The  International  Mission  “Justice  for  Berta  Cáceres  Flores”, composed of 15 parliamentarians, jurists and representatives  of  human  rights,  trade  union,  and  popular organizations and networks from throughout the world, carried out an intense program of activities in Honduras between 17 and 21 March 2016.
La Esperanza, 19 March 2016.  The International Mission "Justice for Berta Cáceres" that maintains its activities these days in Honduras, expresses its deep concern for the misuse of the name of the United Nations (UN) High  Commissioner for Human Rights by the Honduran Government in relation to the investigation of the Public Prosecutor of the murder of Berta Cáceres.
Press Release, Mexico, March 9, 2016 Early in the morning on Thursday March 3rd, our Honduran comrade Berta Cáceres and Mexican Gustavo Castro were attacked in the town of La Esperanza, Honduras, where Berta sadly died and Gustavo Castro was injured. Since that time, Gustavo Castro was designated as a “protected witness” by the Honduran government.