
On September 21st we celebrate the International Day of Struggle against Tree Monocultures. This date, that was launched in 2004, in Brazil, by the Alert against the Green Desert Network, serves to create a special moment in the year to denounce the serious negative impacts of the industrial model of timber production on communities and local ecosystems. Year after year, organizations and social movements carry out a number of activities during this month to give visibility to their struggles and to denounce the negative impacts plantations have on their livelihoods and territories. But above all, September 21st is a date to celebrate the resistance and solidarity and to say no more tree monocultures!
Publications 5 October 2016
Download the publication. Also available in Swahili.
Publications 5 October 2016
The briefing, “Impactos en el agua de las plantaciones industriales de árboles”, (Industrial tree plantations impacts on water), is a tool aimed at supporting local communities that suffer from the negative impacts of tree plantations on the local water resources they depend on.
Action alerts 21 September 2016
Dear Friends, Today, September 21st, marks the International Day of Struggle Against Tree Plantations. On this day, as part of the actions happening internationally, WRM along with the organizations Salva la Selva and TimberWatch are launching an Open Letter to the FAO.
Action alerts 21 September 2016
This open letter, calling on the FAO to revise its forest definition, will be sent to the FAO next March 21 when the International day of Forests is commemorated. If your organization has not yet signed, we invite you to support the letter. Please send an email to fao2017@wrm.org.uy and include your organization’s name and country. Signatures as of March 16, 2017
Other information 20 September 2016
Only available in Spanish or Portuguese 21 de setiembre de 2016 Día Internacional de Lucha contra los Monocultivos de Árboles Descargar como pdf aquí
Action alerts 20 September 2016
WRM together with the All India Forum of Forest Movements, and the Campaign for Survival and Dignity are mobilizing against the CAF Act (also known as the CAMPA Bill). This new Bill was recently approved by the Indian parliament. We apprehend it will result in gross violations of forest dwelling communities’ rights and in a massive expansion of industrial tree plantations.
Other information 15 September 2016
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Saul Paau, a Q’eqchi’ Mayan community leader, describes the environmental and social devastation wrought by the palm oil industry in the Petén region of Guatemala, with a focus on the 2015 ecocide in the Pasión River associated with the company REPSA.
Action alerts 13 September 2016
updated on September 22 Last week we asked your support for communities in Mozambique who are facing rapid expansion of timber monoculture plantations in their territories. This message is to inform you that this Action Alert will continue open for sign-on´s until September 29. If you haven’t sent your endorsement yet, please do so!
9 September 2016
On September 21st we celebrate the International Day of Struggle against Tree Monocultures.