Action alerts

Herakles Farms is engaged in the development of a controversial 20,000 ha oil palm plantation in the South-West Region of Cameroon that faces strong opposition from affected communities.
On 29 January 2014, a letter was sent by several NGOs to relevant UN Special Rapporteurs requesting they investigate and intervene in these cases of acts of repression and criminalisation of local organisations and activists in Cameroon. You can learn more about the case here:
Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese in the same file:   Carta de Belem Group Statement in the context of COP 19 on Climate Change    
Media release of La Vía Campesina | GRAIN | ETC Group. 7 November 2013. Farmers produce food, not carbon. Yet, if some of the governments and corporate lobbies negotiating at the UN climate change conference to be held in Warsaw from 11-22 November have their way, farmland could soon be considered as a carbon sink that polluting corporations can buy into to compensate for their harmful emissions.
This statement is open for signatures from organizations, groups, networks, associations, collectives! To sign up please send an email to: “No to Biodiversity Offsetting!”
Brussels, 7th November 2013. The EU aims to expand carbon markets that would benefit big polluters at the UN climate talks, COP19 in Poland, says a statement signed by 130+ groups, movements and networks. The Statement denounces the corporate capture of COP19 by the same companies that stand to profit.[i]
Letter sent by the Save the Mekong Coalition, to the Mekong countries Prime Ministers demanding the immediate cancellation of the Don Sahong Dam and moratorium on decisions over other mainstream projects for the overall benefit of people throughout the Mekong region. The Don Sahong Project will irreparably damage the Khone Falls and our mother river – the Mekong.
 La action concerne le Gabon, et elle porte sur la récente approbation d’un décret (Résolution nº 20/2013 sur le développement durable de la République gabonaise) dont le but est la création d’un marché, national et international, des services écosystémiques. Ce décret permettrait, par exemple, à l’entreprise OLAM de « compenser » la destruction provoquée par ses plantations gigantesques de palmier à huile. La lettre de rejet sera envoyée au président du Gabon. 
Throughout the month of September we will continue celebrating resistance to the advance of large-scale industrial tree plantations. This post in particular is about two actions being carried out by local communities that need everyone’s solidarity and support.
    Nous continuons en septembre de célébrer la résistance à l’avancée des plantations d’arbres à grande échelle. À présent, nous vous contactons au sujet de deux actions qui ont besoin de la solidarité et de l’appui de nous tous.