Óleo de dendê

O dendezeiro ocorre naturalmente na África Central e Ocidental. É uma árvore importante para as comunidades que dependem da floresta e para suas culturas e economias. No entanto, as grandes monoculturas de dendê para produção industrial – de óleo e agrocombustíveis – têm sido um grande fator impulsionador do desmatamento e da concentração de terras no sudeste da Ásia. Mais recentemente, essas monoculturas também vêm causando destruição na África e na América Latina.

Artigos 10 Maio 2024
The president of the Tshopo provincial assembly supports the call of international NGOs demanding to pause a mediation process between the oil palm company PHC and communities affected by its oil palm plantations. Since 2018, the mediation has not addressed the communities’ demand for investigation of the (il)legality of the concessions at the basis of the companies palm oil business but has led to increased the violence and put community rights at the plantation sites in Lokutu and Boteka, in neighbouring Equateur province, at risk.
Artigos 6 Maio 2024
(Apenas em inglês) On 1 April 2024, eight representatives chosen by communities from Lokutu, in the Tshopo province of the DR Congo, to represent them in the mediation process with the oil palm company PHC presented a letter rejecting the outcome presented by the mediation.